of 4
1 INSTRUCTIONS BACKGAMMON Players: 2 Equipment: 15 dark and 15 light color glass pieces (stones) game board, dice, & doubling die Object: Be the rst player to move all your stones around the points on the game board to your home table (your inner table) and “bear them off” (remove them from the game board).
2 INSTRUCTIONS 3 INSTRUCTIONS a BACKGAMMON and the game stakes triple. This includes stakes raised by doubling. CHECKERS Players: 2 Equipment: 12 white & 12 black wooden pieces, game board Object: Capture all you opponent’s tokens. Set-up: Place the game board so that there is a dark square to the left of each player .
2 INSTRUCTIONS 3 INSTRUCTIONS Game Play: The youngest player begins, and play moves to the left in a clockwise rotation, with each player making one move at a time. A peg may move in any direction as long as it follows the lines of holes on the game board.
4 INSTRUCTIONS Game Play: Remove the pieces by jumping over another piece into a vacant spot. Continue jumping one piece at a time until all are removed or no jumps are possible.