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Intel ® NetStructure™ 7190 Multi-Site Traffic Director User Guide.
Intel® NetS tructure™ 7190 Multi-Site T raffic Director v .3.1.1 User Guide.
T echnical Product Notice Informatio n in this docum ent is provided in connec tio n with Intel® products . No license, express or imp lied, by estoppel or o therwise, to any intel lectual pr operty rig hts is granted by this document .
T able of Content s Chapter 1 Introduction 1 What is an Inte l ® NetS tructure ™ 7190 Multi-Site Director? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Two Versions of the 7190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intel ® NetStr ucture ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic D irector Use r Guide ii Chapter 3 CLI Configuration 17 Custom/Manual Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Adding Secondary 7190(s) . . .
Table of Contents iii Chapter 7 SNMP Su pport 133 Standards Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Intel ® MIB Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Intel ® NetStr ucture ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic D irector Use r Guide iv Appendix D Terms and Conditions and So ftware License 169 Glossary 177 Support Services 181 Index 185.
Intr oduction What is an In tel ® NetS tructure ™ 7190 Multi-Site Director? The Inte l ® NetStruc ture ™ 7190 Mult i-Site Tr affic Direct or is a global site balan cer.
C H A P T E R 1I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 95 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 2 Scal ability The 7190 c an work coope r ativel y with up to fifteen o t her 7190s in deployment across sites.
C H A P T E R 1 User Guid e Summary 3 • CLI Configuration Instructions on ho w to use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to manually configure additional sites, agents, zo nes, and services.
C H A P T E R 1I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 95 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 4 Notes.
Theory of Operations NOTE: Intel L oad Balanc er r efer s to ei ther Intel®Ne tStructure ™ 7180/718 5 e-Commerce Directors or the Intel®Ne tStructure ™ 7140/714 5/7170/7175 Traffic Directors. Typical l oad balancer s work by b alancing t raffic over a Loc al Area Network (L AN) to a Web f arm.
C H A P T E R 2I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 6 “ Intelligent ” DNS The 7190 leverages the DNS arch itecture a nd protocol as the basis for its site balanci ng operati ons.
C H A P T E R 2 Traditional DNS 7 Multi -S ite Load Ba lancin g Authoritative DNS S ervers The DNS maps, or “ reso lves ” host name s into IP addres ses. It is , in effect, a distribut ed database o peratin g through a d istributed, hierarchical syste m of Domain Name Servers.
C H A P T E R 2I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 8 4. The client DNS server sends a query to the mst d-ex.com Authoritati ve DNS serv er to resolve www .mstd-ex.com . 5. The Authoritat ive DNS server resp onds to the client DNS server with the IP address of www .
C H A P T E R 2 Typical Configuration 9 Multi-Site T raffic Ma nagement Without NetStructure Load Balancers The 7190 can suppo rt data cent ers, whether or not they have an I ntel Load Balanc er.
C H A P T E R 2I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 10 Site Balancing Methods The 7190 su pports six si te-balanci ng metho ds or algorit hms.
C H A P T E R 2 Site Balancing Methods 11 fulfillm ent of a spec ific type or types of tr affic as being cruc ial to their busi ness goal s. (A vailab le with the 7 140/7170, 7 180 2.3 release.) • Least Connections - The Lea st Connectio ns method sends requests to the si te with l owest number of connectio ns.
C H A P T E R 2I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 12 load poten tial of the se rv ers undern eath the loa d balancers it monitors.
C H A P T E R 2 Partial Failure s 13 Status: OK This state indicate s that the require d serv ices behind this serv ice are available on the assoc iated load balancer. The metrics information for this service are current and can b e used for metric loa d balancing.
C H A P T E R 2I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 14 Multiple VIP Res ponse The DNS response fr om a 7190 may c ontain multiple answers. Th e number of an swers and wheth er to incl ude stand-by VI Ps can be config ured.
C H A P T E R 2 Definitions 15 Primary 7 190 is a 7190 t hat automati cally tr ansfers (copi es) config uratio n informat ion to seco ndary 7190s (through t he Glob al Sync process) . Configurat ion may onl y be changed on a Primary 7190. Service i s the Virtu al IP (V IP) and por t number of an appl ication service availa ble at a site .
C H A P T E R 2I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 16 Notes.
CLI Configuration Custom/Manual Co nfigurat ion You can manually change any spec i fic conf iguration parameters if any of the Quick Start Wizard defaul t settings are not sufficient for your site.
C H A P T E R 3 Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Mu lti-Site Tr affic Directo r User Gu ide 18 Sample N etwork Topo logy Adding Secondary 7190(s) Now that the p r imary 7190 is up and running , the additional 7 190s can be e asily added by configur ing them a s secondary 71 90s.
C H A P T E R 3 Custom/Manual Configuration 19 NOTE: User-entered names and IP a ddresses in the example are for illus tra tive purp o ses only . The appro priate values for you r inst alla tion m ay vary . # confi g dns s econ dary 10 .54. 67.2 Warnin g: Y our cur rent dns c onfi guratio ns wil l be lost .
C H A P T E R 3 Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Mu lti-Site Tr affic Directo r User Gu ide 20 NOTE: The 7190 must be autho r ita tive for this zone — the ex isting DNS server should delegate the domain t o the 7190. Creating Authority Re cords Next, auth ority re cords for your two 7190s are c r eate d.
C H A P T E R 3 Custom/Manual Configuration 21 Creating Hosts Next, the host name www.somedomain.xy z- ex.com is creat ed: 7190/c onfig /dns/z ones/ somedo maine x.xyz- ex.com # hostname s cre at e www Create Host name S ucces sful The next step is to map the services www.
C H A P T E R 3 Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Mu lti-Site Tr affic Directo r User Gu ide 22 NSLookup The nslookup utility can verify that the 7190 is correctly resolving www.somedomain.xyz-ex.com : Intel 7190# nslook up www.so medom ain.xy z-ex. com Server : ser ver1.
C H A P T E R 3 Custom/Manual Configuration 23 The number of a dditional answers i n a response ca n be configur ed. The range is from 0 to 15. 7190# c onfig dns z ones somedo main.
C H A P T E R 3 Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Mu lti-Site Tr affic Directo r User Gu ide 24 Notes.
Multi-Site Scenarios Scenar io 1 One Web site, t wo geog raphical s ites (one s erver each), two 7190s, o ptional 71 10s Intr oduction An e -commerce company with a single Web site ( www.
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 26 changed to Flash Response Mode to d eliver the site that has th e least networ k latency to potenti al customers.
C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 1 27 The 7190 at the westcoasts ite is t he prim ary 7190. Except i n very rare cases th ere should only be one primary 7190. All o ther 719 0s in the network sho uld be secondaries so th ey can slave their configurati ons to the p rimary 7190 .
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 28 impracti cal, so the so lution is to make t he 7190s auth oritative for a zone within th e mstd-ex.com domain, rathe r than for the entire domain. For this exampl e t he au thoritat ive name serv er for the mstd- ex.
C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 1 29 Step 5. Map Services to Hostname. DNS is essential ly a means of mapp ing hostna mes to IP ad dresses. The 7190 tak es this mapping one step f urther b y allowing t he mapping of h ostnames to services (IP address a nd service port).
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 30 Step 7. Configure the Secondary 7190. Configurat ion of secon dary 7190s is very easy. First you use the Boot Monito r to confi gure the hardwar e and networ k infor matio n (see the chapter on Installa tion, St artup and Configuration ).
C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 1 31 Part 2 – Changing t o Flash Response Mode Balancing Key Concepts: • Flash Response Mode • Associating 71 90s with a sit e Procedure Now that th e 7190 is configu red and functionin g properly i t is time to modify th e configuration to use Flash Resp onse Mode bal ancing instead of Weighted Round Robin.
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 32 Part 3 – Adding Lo ad Balancers to an Existing Site Key Concepts: • Adding a Load Balanc er (A gent) .
C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 1 33 ISV Gro ups and Se rvices Step 1. Add the load bal ancers a nd their se rvices to t he 7190 configuration. The 7190 a llows agents (lo ad balancers) and ISV Groups and t heir services to be added pr ior to their availability.
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 34 If a serv ice is disa bled indi viduall y, but th e agent/ISV Gr oup is lef t enabled then n o referrals are made to that service, but communication is attempt ed to the services associ ated agent /ISV Group.
C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 1 35 Step 3. Delete the first s ite to transi tion ov er . For th e purpose s of this s cenario, th e eastco astsite conv erts ove r first. By delet in g the site (deletin g the sites ISV Gro up) , th e 7190s makes all new refe rrals to the remai ning sites.
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 36 Step 7. Bring th e new “ westco ast bro ker ” hardware on line. After th e commit, the si te known as “ west coastsite ” no lon ger receives traffic fro m new referra ls.
C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 2 37 Scenar io 2 Multiple sites, server farms , multiple hostna mes, multiple 7190s, g eneric (n ot Intel) lo ad balan cer A large comp a ny with m ul tip le division s wants to inte grate most o f those di vision Web sit es onto server f arms located at two new geograph ically d ispersed data c enters.
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 38 • Different Site Co mbina tio ns for Ea c h Hostname • Diff erent Balanci ng Methods f or Eac h Hostname • Associating S ervices with Hostnames Procedure Step 1.
C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 2 39 • Create Site 1 a nd associate se rvices: config dns agents create site 1 ip 1 0.1.1 .2 site1 flash- src 1 0.1.1. 1 flash- backu p- src 10. 1. 1. 3 servic es create 10.1 .1.100 :80 create 10.1 .1.100 :443 create 10.1 .1.
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 40 • Create Site 2 a nd associate serv ices: config dns agents create site 2 ip 1 0.1.2 .2 site2 flash- src 1 0.1.2. 1 flash- backu p- src 10. 1. 2. 3 servic es create 10.
C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 2 41 • Create Backup Sit e and associat e services config dns agents create back upsite ip 1 0.1.4. 2 backup site flash- src 1 0.1.4. 1 flash- backu p- src 10. 1. 4. 3 servic es create 10.2 .4.100 :80 create 10.2 .4.100 :443 create 10.
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 42 Step 2 . Create ISV Group for the generic (not Intel) brokered site and associate it s service . This site is a le gacy site wi th a generic loa d ba la ncer.
C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 2 43 Site 3 Step 3. Creat e the deleg ated zones f or the hostnames a nd the auth ority recor ds for e ach zone. Since 7190s are dep l oyed at ever y site there is no reason to not ut ilize all of them to their fu ll capab ilities .
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 44 create -auth or ity ns5 .m st d-ex .c om ip 10. 1. 1.5 config dns zones create div2 .mstd- ex.co m div2.m std-e x.com create -auth or ity ns1 .m st d-ex .c om ip 10.
C H A P T E R 4 Scenario 2 45 balan cing (Ric h Mode) can p l ace a heavy burden on the loa d balancer s. This is i deal fo r balancing by CPU Utilization. L ayer 4 load bal ancing is t ypicall y many short du ration connectio ns. In this case response t ime can be used as a di rect measure of t he actual se r ver farms load in g.
C H A P T E R 4I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 46 map site1 :10. 1. 1.102 :2 1 map site2 :10. 1. 2.102 :2 1 map backu psit e: 10.1. 4. 10 2:21 backup site: 10.1.4 .102: 21 sta ndby Step 5. Add host f or second zone and map it s services.
Boot Monitor The Intel 7190 Boot M onito r Command Li ne Int erface (CLI) allows you to co nfigur e boot opt ions and manag e boot configurat ion file s. Typicall y, the Boot Monit or is us ed only d uring in iti al confi gurati on or major re configur ations, shoul d the latt er become necessa ry.
C H A P T E R 5I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 48 System Re quire m e nt s You can use any terminal or personal computer with a terminal emulator as the CLI comman d station. The terminal must have t he following feat ures: • 9600 bits per second , 8 data bits, 1 sto p bit no p arity , no flow control.
C H A P T E R 5 Boot Monitor Command Reference 49 Command Description autoboot Use t his command t o enable or di sable the Autoboot f unction . When Autoboot is enable d, during st artup th e 7190 prompts you to pr ess a key to ente r the Boot Monitor command l ine interface.
C H A P T E R 5I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 50 boot NOTE: User- entered na m es and IP addresses in the example are for illus trative p urposes only . The appropriat e values for your install ation may vary.
C H A P T E R 5 Boot Monitor Command Reference 51 dir This command displays the l ist of saved boot co nfiguration files. Example: monitor> dir File name ----------- *default.cfg dhcp This command allows you to enabl e or disa ble the use of DHCP by the 7190.
C H A P T E R 5I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 52 factory_ reset NOTE: factory _reset does not delete saved config uratio n files. CAUTION: This command rewrites the de fa ult config uratio n to the defaul t.
C H A P T E R 5 Boot Monitor Command Reference 53 help This command lists all Boot Monit or commands or op tionall y display s syntax for a speci fied command.
C H A P T E R 5I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 54 info This command displays the c urrent boot conf iguratio n. Example: monitor> info Current active configuration ---------------------------- Product: 7190 Version: 3.
C H A P T E R 5 Boot Monitor Command Reference 55 netmask Use th is c ommand to specify the n e tmask. Example: monitor> netmask Enter Netmask [] ---> 255. 255.254.0 nic Use this command to co nfigure network interface card (NIC) paramete rs.
C H A P T E R 5I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 56 settime NOTE: Flash does not work corr ect ly if settime is not config ur ed. Use this comman d to config ure the da te and ti me of the 7190. One way to configur e this is by using the Network T ime Proto col (NTP).
C H A P T E R 5 Boot Monitor Command Reference 57 setup This command init iates the set up proced ure of the 7 190. The system displays promp ts for all inputs n e cessary to init ia li ze system.
C H A P T E R 5I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 58 Notes.
CLI Reference The Inte l ® NetStruc ture ™ 7190 Multi-Site Tra ffi c Director is fully configurable through the Command Line Interface (CLI). Th e CLI is accessible either through Telnet to t he 7190, or the serial port. Commands exist in a logical hi erarchy.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 60 CTRL-A Move inse rtion poi nt to begi nnin g of line CTRL-B Move inserti on point back one char acter CTR.
C H A P T E R 6 Environment 61 Command H istory The 7190 ’ s CLI records recent ly executed comman ds and allows you to revie w th em. history <n> With no parameter <n > specified, histor y displa ys the last ten commands en tered by the use r.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 62 • T ype help < command> for a descri ption of a speci fic command or , if relevant , a list of sub-commands you can en ter from wit hin <comma nd> .
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 63 CLI Command Summary This sec tion co ntains d iagrams a nd list s of the 7190 ’ s CLI commands categor ized by f unction. Compl ete deta ils of CLI c ommands appear in the command reference sec tion of this chapter.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 64 Command Tree (Config) info ROOT confi g inf o stat s log prim ary seco ndary dns stats info creat e delet.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 65 Global Syste m Commands ? !<n> o r h<n > !! … | grep … | more arp back ( also box, t op, t opleve l) box (al so back, to p , toplevel) commit all.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 66 File Management Commands cat copy dir get put remove restore restore-verbose save CLI Commands NOTE: The conf ig in fo commands displ ay uncommitted config uration informatio n that is inactive.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 67 software delete software install secondary info secondary any secondary flash secondary list secondary create <IP> secondary delete <IP> ssh info ssh.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 68 log primar y second ary config dns agents info stats metric s metric s <IP addre ss> p ort <p or.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 69 config dns agents <age ntname > ser vices <servi cenam e> info stats enable disabl e standb y weight factor config dns isvgro ups info create <isv.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 70 config dns isvgro ups < isvnam e> se rvices <servi cenam e> info stats enable disabl e standb.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 71 confi g dns zones <zo nename > hostname s <hostn ame> sitese rvice s info stats map unmap confi g dns zones <zo nename > hostname s <hostn a.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 72 Show Commands show c li in fo show s ys info date ntp info second ary i nfo snmp i nfo ssh info logs d is.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 73 show dns zo nes <z one name > ho st names <ho stnam e> sitese rvice s info stats show dns zo nes <z one name > ho st names <ho stnam e> s.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 74 Global System Com mands Command Description ? Displays all the commands at the co mmand level. ! (also h, hist ory ) Displays the co mmand history . Syntax: !<n> where: n is the command index n umber from hist ory list.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 75 dbpr Displays i nformation on th e active configurat ion down to th e agent VIP l evel. This command is useful for assessing the effectiveness of the c urr ent balan c in g settings. Op tions consist of a hyphen and letter followed b y a user -specifi ed paramet er or para meters.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 76 dbpr (cont ’ d) Displays a sing le VIP- the one associated with host www .foo- ex.com whose IP address is 10.234 .2.2 and is o n the load ba lancer at 192.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 77 info Informatio n is display ed o n e page at a time if th e file size is greater than 500 K even when mor e ( ‘ paging ’ ) is di sabled. Thi s info command (at the r oot le vel) displays only current config urations, i .
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 78 n e ts ta t Displays the 7190 ’ s r o utin g tabl es. ping T ests the networ k connec tion to another net working dev i ce. It sends an I CMP packet from th e 7 190 to the tar get device; when i t receive s the packet, it sends a ping reply .
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 79 Fil e Mana geme nt Com mands tracerou te Displays th e route t hat packets trav el to the netw ork ho s t. who Displ ays the list o f all users currentl y logged i n. Command Description Global System C ommands Command Description cat Displays co ntents of the specif ied saved co nfigurat ion fi le.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 80 put T ransfers a configuration to th e spec ified re m ote file or di rect ory . If the remote-directory form is used, the remote host is assumed to be a UNIX device.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 81 Configurati on Comman ds Config CLI Commands save NOTE: Username commands are not vali d i n config uration f iles, i.e., save and restor e operatio ns do not i nclude username da ta. Use the command conf ig cli userna me to restore user names and passwords.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 82 info Displays th e status of all v ariables at th e conf ig cli le vel.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 83 more NOTE: If inf ormat ion is greater than 500, 000 bytes, the di splay i s automate d to display one p age at a time. This pagi ng command al lows you t o set sc rolling o f the out put display to one pa ge at a ti me or to cont inuous display .
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 84 telnet-ses sions NOTE: If you set the number of sessions t o 0, you a re dis ablin g all future Telnet sessions to the 7190 .
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 85 config cli username NOTE: Username commands are not vali d i n config uration f iles, i.e., save config and re store config ope rations do n ot include userna m e data. Add, change, o r delete the login or password.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 86 Config Sys Commands Command Description config sys Changes the prompt lev el to the System Con fig branch. info NOTE: The d efa ult ro ute is the same as th e defaul t gate way.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 87 config sys sof tware info Displays a ll i mages tha t h ave bee n inst alled in th e 7190. This include s the index number , the produ ct name, the v ersion n umber , the patch number , the build number and the word “ Running ” next to the image that is current ly active on the 7190.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 88 config sys sof tware delete Delete old versions of the software from local storage. It can be used to fr ee local st orage to install a version update or product upgrade.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 89 config sys ssh info Displays the current status of SSH enable or d i sable. If the statu s was just changed, it reflects the changed status that is pending for the reboot . ssh enab le Enables SSH con nections the n ext time the box is reb ooted.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 90 Config Sys SNMP Commands Command Description config sys snmp Changes the prompt level to confi g sys sn mp .
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 91 Command Description community c reate Specifies community st rings that the 71 90 accepts on i ncoming SNMP requests.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 92 Config DNS Commands Command Description trap delete Deletes a host fro m the trap receiver li st.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 93 info all Displays a ll DN S informa tion. For example: DNS Information Running as a Primary Logging is Disabled Flash Information: Flash State: Disabled Aliasing : Disabled Polling Interval: 10 Number of Polls: 100 Max Broadcast Delay: 500 Drop Mis ses: 3 Agent: 10.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 94 config dns st ats Di splays the stat us of this 71 90 and any con nected seconda r y 7190s.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 95 log NOTE: Enabling log ging may reduce th e speed of DNS resolutions. Enables o r disables l ogging. When loggi ng is enabl ed, th e DNS server lo gs detail s of the inc oming qu eries, the ba lancing process for VIP se lection, and the query response to the log fil e.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 96 Config DNS Agent s Commands Command Description info Displays t he confi guration i nformatio n of all agents in the 719 0. Each 7190 may have up to 16 agent s configu red.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 97 config dns agent s metrics Displays metrics information of all configured agents. If an IP address and a po rt number are specified , metrics for that a gent is obta ined.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 98 config dns agent s rename <agentname> ne w <agentname> Changes the agent ’ s curre nt name to th e name sp ecified in the command li ne.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 99 config dns agent s <agentname> metrics Displays me tric informat ion for the sp ecified agen t. Syntax: config dns agents <agentname> metrics where: agentn ame is the name of the agent whose metrics you want to display .
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 100 config dns agent s <agentname> flash-s rc <ip address> NOTE: At least one of t he (up to 5) uniq ue flash- source addresses must be the IP ad dress of the 7190 itself.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 101 agent-ip <agentip> Configures the IP address of the co rr esponding agen t name. enable Enables communicatio n with the agen t. Default: en abled. disable Disables the agent. Se r vices con figu red un der t hese a gents are n o longer ava ilable for re so lution.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 102 enable Enab le s all service s fo r all hosts whic h c urrently m a p to them . disable Disables a ll se rvices for a ll h osts which c urrently map to them.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 103 Config DNS ISV Group s Command st andby Sets the mode of a service t o standby for a ll hosts that currently map to it . Command Description Config DNS A gents Command s Command Description config dns isvgroup s Moves to th e co nfig dn s is vg ro ups command level.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 104 config dns isvgroup s <isvname > Move t o the c ommand level of a spe cific ISV g roup. info Displays inform ation of t he ISV group specified by the ISV name.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 105 flash-back up-port <port#> Confi gures the port numb er with which the backup f lash sour ce communic ates with its k nown peers. The de fa ult port num ber is 2000. config dns isvgroup s <isvname > ser vice s Moves to th e ISV services c ommand le vel.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 106 Config DNS Zones Commands info Displays in formation, a nd limits inform a tion to on e specified service. For example, a display coul d be: Service: 10.10.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 107 config dns zones info Displays the n ames of all confi gured zones und er this 7190. T o display the names of committed z ones only , use the command show dn s zones info . Example: Zone: zone1.com Authority Records TTL: 86400 Zone: zone2.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 108 delete NOTE: This command also del etes all h osts and VIPs conf igured under t he zone to b e deleted.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 109 config dns zones st ats Di splays the statisti cal information of t he specified zone . Syntax: config dns zones <zonename> stats where: zonena me is the name of the zone whose statistical information you wish to vi ew .
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 110 config dns zones <zonename> authority- ttl NOTE: If all aut hority records are delet ed under a specified zon e, the auth or i ty TTL is res e t to the defa ult of 7200 seconds (two hours).
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 111 config dns zones <zonename> hostnames st ats Displays sta ti stics inform a tion of a ll h osts confi gured u nde r the specifi ed zone. Each hostname with its corr esponding nu mber of resolution s is displayed.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 112 config dns zones <zonename> hostnames dele te < atypeh ostn ame> Deletes the spe cified host under th e specified zone. Al l VIPs configured under t he specified host are d eleted as well.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 113 config dns zones <zonename> hostnames <hostname> info Displays the sp ecified host ’ s configurat ion information.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 114 ttl Configures the Ti me to Live (TTL ) value, in se conds, for the specified z one/host. TTL is exp ressed an integer great er than or equal t o zero and less t han or equ al to 65,535.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 115 authority If enabl ed, desig nates this 7190 as authoritative for t he specifi ed host. Defaul t: enabl ed. Syntax: config dns zones <zonename> hostnames .
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 116 map <site servicename> Maps the co mbination of an agent and a service or an ISV name and service with the speci fied hostn ame.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 117 Config DNS Flash Commands Command Description config dns flash Moves to the f lash command level. config dns flash info Displays fl ash config uratio n informat ion.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 118 config dns flash max-delay Sets the maximum time delayed befor e a response is returne d, setting th e maxi mum to lerated network la tency betwe en peer Flash agen ts.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 119 Show C omman ds Command Description show cli info Displays the CL I configurat ion. Information displa yed: • Number of concurrent T e l net sessions allowed .
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 120 show sys snmp info Displays the status of th e SNMP-related variables.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 121 sof tware info Displays informati on regarding installed software. The list of i nstalled sof tware ima g es includ e s: • Image index n umber of each instal .
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 122 flash info Displays fl ash informat ion, incl udin g whether fl ash aliasin g is on or off.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 123 show dns st ats Di splays DNS statistical information: • Queries - T otal number of DNS queri es received. • Referrals - T otal numbe r of times t hat a p articular serv ice or group of servic es have been returned as t h e answer to a query .
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 124 show dns zones info Displays the n ames of all commi tted zone s of this 7190, and th e T ime-to-Live (TTL) of their authority records. For example: Zone: mysite-ex.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 125 st ats Di splays all th e hostnames and their n u mber of queries and referrals. Syntax: show dns zones <zonename> hostnames st ats Information displa yed: Host: host1.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 126 st ats Di splays statistics for al l committed agents .
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 127 show dns agent s metrics <agentname> por t <port #> Displays metrics for t he specified unconfigured agent. If specified agent does not exist or if a con nection ca nnot be esta blishe d, an error message appears.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 128 show dns agent s <agentname> info Displays in fo rmation abo u t the speci fie d agent. Information displa yed: Agent: loa d1 State: En ab le d Me tr ic s In te rv al :3 0 Me tr ic s Ti me ou t: 15 Agent IP : 1 0.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 129 show dns agent s <agentname> metrics Displays metric s information for a single spe ci fied agent . Syntax: show dns agents <agentname> metrics Info.
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 130 show dns agent s <agentname> metrics <ip addres s> port <port#> Displays metrics for t he specified unconfigured agen t. If specified agent does not exist or if a con nection ca nnot be esta blishe d, an error message appears.
C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary 131 show dns isvgroup s info Displays the l ist of all ISV groups, their states, flash in f ormation, probe information an d the services c onfigured for them. For example: ISV Grou p: isv 2 State : Enabled Pr obe Inte rval:30 Pr obe Time out:15 Primar y Fl ash Sr c:10 .
C H A P T E R 6I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 132 show dns isvgroup s <isvname > ser vice s <svcna me> info Displays service info rmation for the speci fic service under t he specific ISV Group.
SNMP Support The Inte l ® Ne tS tructure ™ 7190 Multi-Sit e Traffic Di rector has a fully complian t , embedded SNMP agent t hat supports SNMPv1 and SNMPv 2 requests. In addition to standa rd MIB-II, Intel private enterprise MIBs provide th e capab ilities t o mon itor the pe rfo rmance and healt h of the 7190.
C H A P T E R 7I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 134 MIB Tree (top level) All Intel ente rprise MIBs and MIB objects are defined under the mib2 ext branc h of the In tel ® tree. All sysObjectIds that identify Intel pr od uct s ar e defi ned unde r the directors br anc h of t he M IB tree.
C H A P T E R 7 Where to find MIB Files 135 The standard SNMP traps, coldStart , warmStart , authenticationfailure , linkUp and linkDown are supported. ceo-hea der .my ceo-header.my contains the o bjects that defi ne the top-leve l branches of th e MIB tree.
C H A P T E R 7I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 136 isvTable isvEntry isvIndex isvVipAddr isvVipPort isvProbeType isvProbeState isvProbeProperties siteTable siteEntry siteIndex siteName Agent Metrics Grou p Object Descrip tion agentMe tricsT a ble An agent r uns in a l oad bala ncer (i.
C H A P T E R 7 Service M etrics Gro up 137 Service Metrics Group ISV Metrics Grou p Object Descrip tion serviceMe tricsT able An agent runs in a load bala ncer which communicat es with the MSD 9000.
C H A P T E R 7I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 138 Site Group isvVipPort Server T CP port numb er . isvProbeT ype ISV probe type can b e Ping or TCP or HTTP .
C H A P T E R 7S N M P T r a p s 139 SNMP T rap s The followi ng list su mmarizes the tr aps genera ted by the 7190. Fo r details abou t a particular trap , please read the descripti on of each MIB above, or read t he documentation w ithin the MIB file.
C H A P T E R 7I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 140 s5emt1 03.my , s5roo 1 1 4.my, s5tcs11 2.my, syn ro167.
C H A P T E R 7 Displaying SNMP Parameter s 141 • The backpl ane type of the sender , for the 7190 this is enetFastEnet (10). • Local segment in dication. This indicates whether the sender is on the same ethernet segment or across a brid ge. • The current state o f t he auto-topology packet ’ s sender .
C H A P T E R 7I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 142 The followi ng CLI commands a re used to displa y and configur e SNMP community strings.
C H A P T E R 7 Configuring Ot her SNMP Parameter s 143 This command causes trap s to be sent to IP address 209. 218.240.5, and causes the 7190 SNMP agent to put the community string NOC1 in the tra p .
C H A P T E R 7I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 144 Notes.
Sof tware Up dates Your Intel ® NetStruc ture ™ 7190 Multi -Site Traffic Di rector unit is shipp ed with th e la test s yste m so ftwar e inst alled. Af ter init ial installat ion and setup, you may be eli gible for, or choose to pur chase a software version updat e.
C H A P T E R 8I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 146 distrib ution con sist s of a single lar ge binary file o f approx imatel y 20 megabytes. The first step in software installat ion is to place this install image file on an ftp serv er accessible by t he 7190.
C H A P T E R 8 Rebooting with the New Image and Ver if ying Installation 147 Rebooting with the Ne w Image and V erify ing Inst allation NOTE: If any errors occurred during inst alla tion, show sy s softwa re may display the image as installed , howe ver i t is not sa fe to use.
C H A P T E R 8I n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 148 Notes.
Diagnostics This section desc r ibes the avai lable diagn o stic information and in- field di agnostics p rocedures f or the 7190. Diagnostic LEDs The fr ont pa nel ’ s LEDs provide info rmation generated by the boot- time power- on-self- test (POST) and appl ication startup sequences.
A P P E N D I X AI n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Multi-Sit e Traffic Dir ector User Guide 150 Power Indication The fron t panel Po w er LE D connects directly t o the unit ’ s power supply. If th e Power L ED is not i ll uminat ed, power is not connected to the un it , or the uni t ’ s power supply has fail ed.
A P P E N D I X A Runtime LED Diagnostics 151 Runtime LED Diagno stic s Runtime Act ivity At runtime, the L EDs provide information abo ut system activity as described bel ow. St atus LED • Blink s on and of f quickly wh en operatin g normally . • Continuou s on or of f indicates tr oubled ( hung) system.
A P P E N D I X AI n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Multi-Sit e Traffic Dir ector User Guide 152 System Lo g The system log contains diagnostic messages from v arious software modules of t he 7190. Th e system log memory is of l imited size (5 12K bytes) and wraps around when the allocate d space has been fil l ed u p.
A P P E N D I X A System Log 153 DNSD: The DNS Server Daemon process This proce ss lo gs a message wh e n it is started and wh en reading i n the configurati on. Severe or fa tal errors are logged with a preceding “ ERROR ” . Others messages may be lo gged with or wi thout “ WARNING ” based on the natur e of the event .
A P P E N D I X AI n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Multi-Sit e Traffic Dir ector User Guide 154 NCA (Network Configuratio n Application) This process is i n charge of conn ecting to and talking to the age n ts resident o n the 7140/717 0 or 7180 d evices.
A P P E N D I X A System Log 155 Aug 2 12 :13: 33 mada gasc ar BACKE ND: R eading in config urati on... Aug 2 12:1 3:33 madagasc ar BAC KEND: ** *Back end is ready fo r the use r* When there is an error readin g the confi guration file, these errors are logged spe cifying the error an d the line where it occurred.
A P P E N D I X AI n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Multi-Sit e Traffic Dir ector User Guide 156 Notes.
Cleaning the Dust Filter The Inte l ® NetStru cture ™ 7195 Multi-Site Traffic Director has a du st filter el ement mo unted behi nd t he f ront g ril le a nd in front of the dual intake fans. T his filter is wash able and shou ld be cleaned eve ry six months at a minimum.
APPEN DIX BI n t e l ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Mult i-Site Traffi c Director User Guide 158 Notes.
Regulatory Information T aiwan Class A EMI S t atement.
A P P E N D I X C Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic Direc tor User Gu ide 160 VCCI S t atement Class A ITE This is a Class A product ba sed on th e standard of the Voluntary Control Council for Int erference by Information Technology Equipmen t (VCCI).
A P P E N D I X C Canada Compliance Statement (Indust ry Canada) 161 • T o the extent possible, rel ocate the radio, T V , or other recei ver away from the product . • Plug the prod uct into a di f ferent elect rical outlet so t hat the product and the receiver are on dif ferent branc h circuits.
A P P E N D I X C Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic Direc tor User Gu ide 162 CISPR 22 St atement WARNING: This is a Class A product. I n a domestic envi ronment this product ma y cause radio interference in whi ch case the user may be requir ed to take adeq uate measures.
A P P E N D I X C CISPR 22 Statemen t 163 • Isolated fr om strong el ectromagneti c fields prod uced by electrical devices. • In regions that are susc eptible to electrical storms, we recommend y ou plug you r syste m into a sur ge suppressor and disconnect telecommun ication lines to your modem duri ng an electrical storm.
A P P E N D I X C Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic Direc tor User Gu ide 164 W ARNUNG Das System wurde f ü r den Betr ieb in einer nor malen B ü roumgebung entwicke lt.
A P P E N D I X C CISPR 22 Statemen t 165 • In ar ee s og g e tt e a tem po rali , è consi gliabile c ollegare il sistema ad un limi tato re di corrente . In caso di temp orali, scolleg are le linee di co municazione dal modem. • Dotata di un a presa a muro corret tamente instal lata.
A P P E N D I X C Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic Direc tor User Gu ide 166 Wi chtige Sicherheit shinweis e 1. Bitte lesen Sie sic h diese Hinweise sor gf ä ltig durch. 2. Heben Sie d i ese Anleitung f ü r den sp ä tern Gebrauch au f.
A P P E N D I X C Wichtig e Sicherh eitshinweis e 167 15. W enn folgende Situa tionen auf treten i st das Ger ä t vom St romnetz zu trennen und vo n einerqualifizierten Servicestelle zu ü berp r ü fen: a. Netzkabel oder Netzstecker sint besch ä digt.
A P P E N D I X C Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic Direc tor User Gu ide 168 Notes.
A P P E N D I X D Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic Direc tor User Gu ide 170 2. Order s: End User m ay purchase Product by submitting a valid purchase order ( “ Order ” ) to Intel at the corporate address st at ed herein. Orders are sub- ject to Intel ’ s written acceptance ( “ Order Acceptance ” ).
A P P E N D I X D Terms and Conditions and Software License 171 10. T axes an d Duties: End User is responsible for all t axes imposed in connec- tion with sale to End User of Products or services whi.
A P P E N D I X D Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic Direc tor User Gu ide 172 12. Returns: No Product may be ret urned except under warranty for repair or due to shipment error by Intel.
A P P E N D I X D Terms and Conditions and Software License 173 replace or repair t he product with either a new or reconditioned product, and the returned pr oduct becomes Intel ’ s p roperty.
A P P E N D I X D Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic Direc tor User Gu ide 174 This warranty does not c over replacement of products damaged by abuse, accident, misuse, neglect, alteration, repair , disaster , improper installation or improper testing.
A P P E N D I X D Terms and Conditions and Software License 175 17. Expor t Law Re gul ations: 17. 1. Applicable Laws . End User acknowledges that all Products , spares, documentation or ot her materi.
A P P E N D I X D Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Multi-Si te Traffic Direc tor User Gu ide 176 19. Copyrights; T rade Secrets: End User acknowledges and agrees that the structure, sequence and organiz.
Glossary This section defi nes terms and acron yms used throughou t the Intel ® NetStructu re ™ 7190 Mul ti-Site Traffic Direct or User Guid e . Agen t Refers t o a load balance r (7140, 7170, or 7.
G L O S S A R Y Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Mult i-Site Traf fic Director User Guid e 178 Flash Respon se Mod e A solution to DNS sit e balan cing ba sed on netw ork latency.
G L O S S A R Y Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Mult i-Site Traf fic Director User Guid e 179 Load B alancer Intel ® 7140, 7170 or 7180 Load Balan cing The distr ibuti on of proce s sing and c ommuni catio ns activity across a computer net work so th at no single device i s overwh elmed.
G L O S S A R Y Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Mult i-Site Traf fic Director User Guid e 180 Aliasi ng The act of tryi ng to app ear as a legitimate packet from a trusted or expected so urce even thou gh the packet ac t ually origi nated at some unknown sour ce.
Support Services Intel ® offers a range of sup port services for your new p r oduct. Yo u can lea rn about the opti ons availab le for your a r ea by visiting t he Intel ® support web site at http://www.intel.com/networ k/ services and choosing your geogr ap hy.
S U P P O R T Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 M ulti-Site T raffic D irector Us er Gu ide 182 Indonesia 2 Di al 001-801- 10, await d ial tone , dial 800 -838-7136 Korea 1 Dial 0-91 1, await dial tone, .
S U P P O R T Support Ser vices 183 Switze rland 1 Dial 0-800 -55001 1, await dial tone, di al 800-83 8-7136 United Kingdo m (Mercury) 3 Dial 0500-89-001 1, await dial t one, dial 8 00-838-713 6 Unite.
S U P P O R T Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 M ulti-Site T raffic D irector Us er Gu ide 184 Notes.
Index Symbols ! 74 !! 74 * 111, 11 2 ? 74 @ 111, 1 12 A adding l oad bal ancers 32 agen ts 14 assoc iat in g se rv ice s 19 configu r ing dns agents 96 cre ating 19, 38 display ing 12 5 algori thms me.
I N D E X Intel ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Multi-Sit e Traffi c Director User Guide 186 login- attempts 82 more 83 port 83 prompt 83 scr eenli nes 83 telne t-se ssion s 84 time out 84 username 85 users.
I N D E X Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Mu lti-Site Tr affic Directo r User Gu ide 187 hostn ame si tese rvice s info 115 hostnames 110 hostnames authority 115 hostnames create 111 hostnames delete 1.
I N D E X Intel ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Multi-Sit e Traffi c Director User Guide 188 config s ys inf o 86, 89 config s ys log s display 86 config s ys log s display- old 86 config s ys sec ondary 88.
I N D E X Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Mu lti-Site Tr affic Directo r User Gu ide 189 arp 74 back 74 box 74 comm it a ll 74 comm it l oca l 74 dbpr 75 exit 76 factor y-defaul t 78 halt 76 histor y 7.
I N D E X Intel ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Multi-Sit e Traffi c Director User Guide 190 runtime LED diagnos ti cs 15 1 S save command 29 saving configu ration 29 current software confi guration 146 sec.
I N D E X Intel ® NetStructure ™ 7190 Mu lti-Site Tr affic Directo r User Gu ide 191 T Telnet 59, 77, 78, 82, 83 , 84, 119 settin g se s sio ns 84 The 22 W weighted algorit hms 10 Weighted Ra ndom .
I N D E X Intel ® NetStructure ™ 71 90 Multi-Sit e Traffi c Director User Guide 192 Notes.