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Dig it al Sy nt he si z e S T A V -3 560/357 0 Cat. No. 31-30 35/3036 Owne r ’s Man ual Plea se read before u sing th is equi pment . Au di o/V i de o Surr ound Re ce iv e VOLUME MIN MAX BALANCE L R.
2 Int rod uc ing the Op ti mu s S T A V- 3560/ 35 70 Y our Op timus ST A V-356 0/3570 Digital Syn thesized A/V Surround Receiver is the perfect control center for your audio/video system .
3 Thi s rece iver is made an d test ed to mee t exac ting safe ty stand ards . It meets both U L and FC C requ ire- ment s T o pr eve nt f ire or sh ock hazar d, do no t ex pose thi s sys - tem to rai n or mo isture .
4 Cont ents P rep aring Y our Rec e iver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Positioning Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Pre pa rin g Y o ur R ec ei ver Pos iti on ing S pea ke rs W here you place your speakers (not supplied) can make a not iceable difference in your system ’s sound. The guidel ines in thi s section will help you choose the best locations. After you use your r e ceiver for a while, you might want t o try dif- ferent l ocations for you r speakers.
6 Pre pari ng Y ou r Re cei ver C o nnecti ng Sp eak ers Prep ar ing the Speake r Wires Spea ker wire consists of two condu c tors (ind ividual wires) en c a s ed in insulation and i s usual ly color-coded or marked wi th a ridge along on e sid e so you can ident ify each conduct or .
7 P repar ing Y our R ece iver Connect ing th e A and B S peaker s Follow these steps to connect the right speaker to t he rec eiver ’s r i ght FRONT SPEAKERS A terminals. 1. Press the recei v er ’ s FRONT SPEAKERS A R (+) red lever and insert the ridged or color-coded conductor ’s end into th e small hol e.
8 Pre pari ng Y ou r Re cei ver C o nnecti ng Pr og ram S ource s Y ou c an connec t up to five external program sources to y our receiver at one time. Connect ing a T urnta ble Connec t a turntable with a magnetic cartri dge only . Some older t urntables use a ceramic-type cartridge that does not work with this system .
9 P repar ing Y our R ece iver Co nne ctin g Vide o So u rc e s If you connect two video sources such as VCRs, laser disc (LD ) players, or dig- ital video disc (DVD) pla yers to your receiver, you c an use t he receiver to switch betwee n view ing the sources.
10 Pre pari ng Y ou r Re cei ver C onn ec tin g th e An tenn a s In many cities, the supplied indoor AM loop and FM anten nas provide adequate reception . AM Antennas Assem ble the i n cluded antenna’s base by swinging the base in the direction of the arrow and i nserting the antenna’s bo ttom tabs into the base’s slot .
11 P repar ing Y our R ece iver For the best radio reception , use a n outdoor ant enna. Fol low these s t eps to conn ect an outdoor FM antenna to the receiver using 75 Ω cable. Note: If your ant enna has 300 Ω t win-lead cable, consult y our local RadioShack store for the correc t adap t er .
12 Pre pari ng Y ou r Re cei ver Using On e Remote Control f or Mo re th an On e Uni t If you also have an Optimus professional series CD player , VCR, or cassette deck with the OSR mark, you can connect its CONTROL IN jack to the receiver so you can control all of your equi pme nt with a si n gle remote control.
1 3 P repar ing Y our R ece iver Using the AC Power O utlet Y our receiver has an AC power outlet that you c an use to power an electronic device , such as a turntable, cassette deck, VCR , and so on. This switched out- let turns on and of f with the receiver and provides a maximum of 100 W atts.
14 Basi c Op erati on Note: The controls on the remote control work t he sam e as the buttons on the receive r ’ s fron t panel. Follow these steps to use the receiver . 1. P ress POWER to turn on the receiver ’s power . It takes about 5 seconds to begin he aring s ound.
1 5 Bas ic Op er ati on T uni ng th e Rad io Y our receiver offers t hree types of electronic tuning — m anu al, automat ic, and memo ry . Ma nu al an d Au to mat ic T uni ng Follo w these steps to manualy or automatical ly tune to the stations. 1. P ress TUNER .
16 Ba sic Op era t io n Us ing FM Mon o T o receive FM stations in stereo, press FM MO NO un til MONO disappe ars from the displ ay . STER EO appears on the display when you receive an F M broadcast in st ereo. Y ou can improve t he r eception of weak FM station s by pressing FM MONO until MONO appears.
1 7 Cas sette De ck/VCR F eatures Y ou c an connec t two cassette de cks t o the recei ver . Selec ti ng eithe r VCR/T APE 1 or T APE 2 MONITOR lets you hear the pl ayback fr om the cas sette deck you conn ected to the receiver ’s correspond ing ( VCR/T APE 1 , T APE 2 MONIT OR ) jacks.
18 Cas se tte De ck/ VCR Feat ur es Pla ying and Rec ordi ng V ideo T apes Y ou c an connect t wo video sourc es to the receiver. If you conn ect a VCR to the VCR/T APE 1 and LD/DVD audio and video j acks, you can copy vide o cassette tapes from one VCR to a nother an d monitor the dub bing process .
1 9 Usin g Advan ced Sound Op tions Y our receiver has four special sound options: Dolby Pro-Logic Surround, Dolby 3C H Logic, Studio-Ef f ect Surround, and Simulated Surround.
2 0 Us ing Adv ance d Sound O pt ion s S o und Mod e A dju stment s ( Rem ote Con trol On ly) Cent er Mod e Sett ing The center m ode setting affects the center channel’s bass si gnals. It operates only when you select the Dolby Pro-Logic Surround or Dolby 3CH Logic mode.
21 Usin g the R emote C ont rol The remote cont rol works up to a di sta nce of about 23 feet, and within a 30- degree angle on either side of the receiver . Point the control at t he receiver ’s front panel and press the desired button(s). Many but tons on the rem ote control work the sam e as buttons on the receiver ’s front pa nel.
2 2 Using the Remote Control CD Pla yer Sectio n Before operat ion, set AU DIO • SURRO UND to AUDIO . Note: Y ou m ust connect the CD changer bo th to your receiver ’s CONTROL OUT and audio jacks for the se funct i ons to wor k. CD POWER Tur ns the CD player on and of f (only fo r CD playe rs havin g the CONTROL IN/O UT f eatur e).
2 3 T rou bles hooti ng If the rec eiver is not working as i t should, the following suggestions might help. If you foll o w the s u gges tions in this chart and the receiver st i ll does not work p roperly , contact your local RadioShack store for assistance.
2 4 Care and M aintena nce Y our Opt imus ST A V-3560/3570 Digital Sy nthesized A/V Surround Receiver is an ex ample of superior design and craf tsman- s hip. The following sugge stions will h elp you care for the r e ce iver so you can enjoy i t for years.
2 5 Th e FCC Wants Y ou T o Kn ow Y our receiver might cause radio or TV i nterference even when it is operating properly . T o det ermine whether your receiver is causing the interference, turn off your receiver . If t he interferenc e goes away , your receiver is c au sing it.
2 6 Spe cific ation s A mp lifi er F ront Channel Average Power Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Watt (ST A V-357 0)/60 Watts ( ST A V-3560) per Channe l i nto 8 Ohms Fr om 40 t o 2 0 ,00 0 H z, With No More than 0.
2 7 Specif icatio ns F M T une r Fre quency Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 .5 to 10 8 MH z Usabl e Sensi tivi ty . . . . . . .
2 8 Inde x to Feat ure s by C ont rol N ame T his table lists the control and i n dicator names found on the front of your receiver , along with the page numbe r where the con- t rol or indicator is d iscussed. T o find a des cript ion for the buttons o n the remote c ontrol, see “Using the Rem ote Cont rol” on P age 22.
2 9 Note s.
3 0 Notes.
31 Notes.
RadioShack A Division of T andy Corporation Fort W orth, T exas 76102 <ARB14 84-A> 7A6 P r int e d in Mal ay si a RadioSha ck Limit ed W arrant y Th is pro du ct is warr an ted agai nst def ec t.